Delnadamph Peatland Restoration Consultation

Posted by on Mar 1, 2023 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Dear Consultee,

Delnadamph Estate are conducting peatland restoration on the Estate, for which the second phase of works is in design.

The project has been designed by Bidwells, and known sensitivities have been considered in the process. However, we would value feedback highlighting any concerns that have not already been addressed. Similarly, a response to advise there is no concern, if applicable, would be appreciated.

We have requested that feedback is submitted by 28th March, so that it can be incorporated into the planning process, but communication channels will remain open for the duration of the project. Please be aware that the project will be registered with the Peatland Code and any comments may be passed to one of the independent validation bodies working with them, as well as the statutory bodies responsible for project assessment, although names and contact details will not.
